Refer Earthquake Engineered Building Safety & Building Centre Movement
Chart of plywood and Veneers-Using Plywood
Disaster Loss Reduction
The Building Centre Movement
a best practice identified by the UN-Habitat, is a significant initiative with tremendous potential to provide intervention contributing towards sustainable housing and improving the quality of life of the citizens.

The Building Centre Movement
a best practice identified by the UN-Habitat, is a significant initiative with tremendous potential to provide intervention contributing towards sustainable housing and improving the quality of life of the citizens.

The Building Centre Movement
a best practice identified by the UN-Habitat, is a significant initiative with tremendous potential to provide intervention contributing towards sustainable housing and improving the quality of life of the citizens.

The Design options
promoted by the Building Centres
The design of shelter appropriate for varying geo-climatological environments using cost effective yet environmentally sustainable building materials and technologies besides providing for disaster resistant construction poses a daunting challenge. Although the industrialization has brought in mechanized and rapid construction practices, these are limited to the large scale top of the line projects for the affluent, with the majority of construction activity based on age old techniques and norms which have long out-lived their versatility. There is a need for the necessary refinement and application of innovation and appropriate inputs to the traditional construction practices.
This calls for a people-oriented bottom-up approach striking the right and sustainable balance between the intermediate, vernacular and innovative technologies towards optimizing the construction costs.

1. Guru Ram Dass ji worked entire life time for the sewa of Golden Temple and service was dedicated in committed for the Worship of Almighty to the extent that he did not get any remuneration payment for the entire work of the life span service to the Golden Temple. There is no such parallel in the history.
2.The safety of the non-engineered buildings from the fury of earthquakes is a subject of highest priority in view of the fact that in the moderate to severe seismic zones of the world more than 90 percent of the population is still living and working in such buildings, and that most losses of lives during earthquakes have occurred due to their collapse.
3. Hammering Man is a series of monumental kinetic sculptures by Jonathan Borofsky. The two-dimensional painted steel sculptures were designed at different scales, were painted black, anddepict a man with a motorized arm and hammer movement to symbolize workers throughout the world.
4. Guru Ram Dass Ji fourth guru unique inspiration culture of excellence to develop techniques sharpening home build skills for the prudent economics of hard earned and hence hard saved resources of the consumer.
5. House building innovation started with advent of civilization and will continue as long as civilization endures.
6. Though there had been huge improvement in every field of development but the techniques to build house remain almost same as 100 years ago reference (Woodworking for industry Technology and Practice) Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
7. The quote of Khalil Gibran "If you cannot work with love it is better to sit at the gate of the temple and get alms of those people who work with love and enjoy it".
8. The house building techniques have to be sharpened in focus of science and spirituality to benefit the rural and urban housing consumer in focus ofshelter is the root of happiness Gautma Buddha.
About UsHome building systems should have been developed in shape of tailor made route chart. This is for consumer attaining the knowledge.
- Narinder Singh
Sharpen home build techniques a great effort by the one who toiled alone; by inspiration of Guru Ram Dass ji who worked without remuneration for the building the Golden Temple and the holy City Amritsar.
- Dr. Joginder Singh
Only when anyone is at its most serious or playful then the divinity finally get serious with the mission. Guru Ram Dass ji blessings is prayed for the consumer welfare.
- Jatinder Kumar
Really excellent knowledge art.
- Ashok Kumar
Though shelter is root of happiness yet knowledge of home building / home purchase has not been developed with scientific management outlook.
- Sandeep Puri
Best attempt to sharpen and enlighten the hidden treasures of individual consumer intelligence.
- Abhishek Garg
The work remembers the Jonathan Borofsky quote "depict a man with a motorized arm and hammer movement to symbolize workers throughout the world."
- Nanki
An attempt to improve stale old home building by more informed consumer.
- Rachpal Kumar
Wonderful magic of Home Building Knowledge that too free.
- Harpal Singh
Knowledge of technique is underpin of the home building / purchase.
- Kanchan Tiwari
Sharpen home build techniques is creativity sacred and scientific both.
- Ravinder Singh
What is this Company ?
Features Highlight ?
Real Estate
Wood Work
Painting and Polishing
1. The average home is built with techniques not too different from those of 100 years ago. Inspite if the fact that well over a million and a half homes are built each year, building methods are, in many cases, rather ancient and out-of-date.
2. The average cost of housing in India is many times higher even as compared to the United States, when compared on the basis of purchasing power parity (PPP) and the average income levels.
3. Building centre / movement was conferred a Scroll of Honour by United National Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS) for the use of cost effective technologies in India.............